Marshall Voice Studio
Welcome to the Marshall Voice Studio! I look forward to working with you to explore and develop your vocal technique within repertoire that enriches, challenges, and inspires you on your own individual path of singing!

Vocal studies is a discipline engaging both sides of the brain, several different parts of the body, and hundreds of muscles; our minds, bodies, and heart, all together at the same time. We will explore each of these concepts in our journey together as we work the technical and dramatic sides of vocal musicianship.
Subjects taught:
• Vocal technique
• Range development
• General musicianship--music reading, sight-singing, ear training
• Collaborative skills--working with accompanying instrumentalists
• Diction for the stage
• Dramatic coaching
• Repertoire selection and programming

Who can study voice?
I teach:
• Ages 11+
• All voice types
• All styles: Classical, Broadway, Jazz, Gospel, Pop, Rock, etc.

How do I study voice with Dr. Marshall?
• Email me via my Contact page FMI! I am currently accepting new students!*
*In-person lessons available in the Chicago area only. Distance students are welcome via Zoom, FaceTime, or other virtual platforms.

My students:
• Have ranged in age from 11–64+
• Have studied for professional development, college degree programs, auditions preparation, or just for fun!
• Have performed in regional, state, and nationwide select ensemble festivals
• Have gone on to vocal performance degrees in schools such as Oberlin Conservatory, Plymouth State University, Wheaton College
• Have performed lead roles in opera, musical theater, and solo recital, as well as theater and concert ensembles
• Have won local and regional vocal competitions of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, and Classical Singer

"You've helped me so much with your teaching and encouragement. I always get home after a lesson excited to practice. You challenge me, and I am always inspired and supported by you." ~High school student (went on to Vocal Performance degree at Wheaton College)
"I'm grateful I was taught by you because I came in with a good foundation of focus and breath support. I definitely could not have learned as much as I have this year without your help!" ~ High school student (went on to Vocal Performance degree at Oberlin Conservatory)
"My wife and I want to say thank you for all that you have done with and for our daughter these two years, especially for her audition preparation. You have given her a wonderful, healthy start. She is singing so beautifully. Thank you!" ~ Parent of high school student (went on to Performance degree at Plymouth State University)
"I would not be the singer or musician I am today with your help. I will carry everything I have learned from you with me for the rest of my life. And that’s a lot of stuff, so it’s a good thing I took plenty of notes!" ~Music Education student, Ithaca College
"You are an incredible professor. I am so grateful to you for the dedication you've shown help me feel so capable, and you teach me so well! I couldn't imagine going through this semester and my first ever voice recital without you!" ~Vocal Performance & Music Education student, Ithaca College
"I am so grateful for you and everything you've done for me. Thank you for being the best voice mom possible!"
~Computer Science & Music Theory student, Ithaca College